Most of us have had a difficult time dealing with the impact that the Coronavirus has had over the world. Thousands of individuals all across Australia have experienced the symptoms of the virus, some recovering and others losing the battle. Measures like 14-day quarantines, restricted travel, and total lockdowns became a necessity to limit the spread of a disease that could prove to be fatal for many people. Fortunately, as health carers have started to gain more control over the pandemic situation, restrictions have started to ease and public places are opening up at a gradual pace. But we are still not in the clear yet. It is extremely important to be cautious and strictly stick to all of the practices recommended by health officials to limit the spread of Coronavirus and prevent yourself from contracting it. It is our responsibility as responsible members of the community to look after the health and safety of ourselves and others around us.

Here are some good hygienic practices to implement for protection against COVID-19:

Limit Touching

As a general hygienic practice, try to limit the number of surfaces you touch, especially when you are in public places or non-home settings. You do not know who has touched those surfaces before and what germs they may have been carrying.

Likewise, avoid touching your face as much as possible. You can contract Coronavirus if it comes into contact with your mucous membranes, so avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth without washing or sanitising your hands.

Frequent Handwashing

Handwashing is the best way to protect yourself from a majority of microorganisms and viruses, including COVID-19. Try to wash your hands as often as you can with soap and water, but especially before and after eating and after using the toilet. Follow the proper handwashing technique to get the best results.

Use Hand Sanitiser

In case you do not have access to soap and water, clean your hands with an alcohol based hand sanitiser or hand rub.

The Elbow Technique

Regardless of whether or not you are infected with the Coronavirus, make it a habit to use the elbow technique when sneezing or coughing. Instead of coughing out into the air or in the palms of your hands, cover your mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow. Since this part of your arm is seldom touched by other individuals, the risk of transmission is reduced.

Disinfect Surfaces and Objects

Regularly wipe down your frequently used objects with a disinfectant wipe, such as keys, wallets, and smartphones. You should also disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your house like door handles, faucets, and counters.

Wearing a Mask

If you are planning to go out in public, make sure that you always wear a mask. A mask significantly reduces the risk of transmission of the virus, either from you or towards you. Even if you are exposed to an infected individual, your mask provides a great degree of protection.

Social Distancing

Avoid going into big crowds and public gatherings as much as possible. If you have to, make sure that you avoid touching people, wear a mask, and stay at least 1.5 meters away from other people, if possible.