Your home is your haven. It is the place where you go to seek comfort and relaxation, and also where you feel the safest.

That is why there is no room for compromise when it comes to maintaining its cleanliness. You and your loved ones interact with your house and its furnishing intimately on a daily basis. While we tend to focus a lot on our own hygiene, we tend to forget that home hygiene is just as important.

To help you keep your home as safe and hygienic as possible, we have compiled some extremely helpful tips:

1. Bins Galore

Place bins across the house and encourage your kids to use them to discard rubbish. But even more important than that is to make sure that you empty them out regularly, ideally on a daily basis.

If the bins are being used to throw away organic or wet material, it will most likely attract flies and other pests which can spread a lot of diseases. Try to keep the bins lidded, use different bins for wet and dry waste, and wash them with hot water and disinfectant once a week.

2. Dusting is Crucial

Not only does dust make your home appear unseemly, but it can also provide breeding grounds for spiders and other pests. Not to mention it is an allergy causing trigger as well.

So make sure you dust off surfaces every other day, vacuum your floor or carpet regularly, and clean out all the nooks and crannies on a weekly basis to prevent spiderwebs.

3. Clean out the vents

Air ducts and vents in your house continue to accumulate dust and other debris with time. If they get clogged up, the ventilation and airflow in your home can become impaired.

To make sure the air circulating in your environment is always fresh and free of pollutants, make it a habit to clean out your vents thoroughly every once in a while.

4. Well kept bathroom

A well kept bathroom is extremely important for the overall hygiene of your home since it has the potential to carry a great amount of germs and organisms, such as E. coli and Salmonella.

Wipe down the counters regularly, clean the flush handles and taps, organize your shelves neatly, mop the floor, and try to keep the bathroom as dry as possible at all times.

5. Use an automate air-refresher

Air refreshers with anti-bacterial elements are an easy way to help keep your place hygienic and clean, as well as leaving your home smelling nice. 

Kind of like an automated Glenn20 spray, but without smelling like a toilet.

6. Wipe down all surfaces

Considering the Coronavirus can survive for hours on various surfaces, it is extremely important that you wipe them down with disinfectant regularly to reduce the risk of potential transmission.

These include table tops, kitchen counters, door handles, taps, and other frequently touched objects and surfaces.

7. Set a schedule

The best way to maintain a hygienic home is to incorporate these cleaning chores into your daily schedule. Divide the tasks among the family members and encourage them to carry it out on a regular basis.

A little cleaning on a daily basis can save you from a world of health trouble in the long run- your spotless home is just an added bonus!